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Pastry in Europe 2010
商品網址: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/tinaliao1968/products/0010475746
Europe is the place where Patisserie was born. For many centuries, European countries have played a major role in the development of sweet pastries. There has never been a very comprehensive publication available on European patisserie around the world, but in 2009 the first edition of the book “Pastry in Europe” changed all that. Now it’s ready with the second publication in this series: Pastry in Europe 2010.
Pastry in Europe will give you in-depth profiles and creations of famous European chefs and p?tissiers;? it will show you the developments in European cities and also? pays attention to classic and regional preparations.
These 256 pages full-color with more than 450 pictures are full of inspiration and techniques,土地開發分析 from a very simple tart to a super modern technique, which you might have never seen. This edition of PIE is full of modern techniques, from Spain through Paris to Scandinavia. You'll also find the real classics like black nougat or sour candies. And then there are the cityprofiles, terroir products, small wine companies and so on.
作者: The editors of Culinaire Saisonnier and Patisserie & Desserts/編
新功能介紹- 出版社:房地產投資講座桂魯
新功能介紹 - 出版日期:2010/03/01
- 語言:英文
Pastry in Europe 2010
: http://www.books.com.tw/exep/assp.php/tinaliao1968/products/0010475746
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